Cocoanix Connect

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User Privacy

At Cocoanix We Value Safety Of Our Customers, So We Use Highest Safety Servers.

What Data We Store?

Here Is The List:

  • Name: Rob
  • Surname: Ondeez
  • Play Time: 123 Hours
  • E-Mail:

We Encrypt Your Password With Super-Secure Algorithm. We Only Store Encrypted Version For Authentication.


Customers Are Very Important To Us!

Happy Clients


Hours Of Support


Most Engaging Games That Use Cocoanix Connect

Our Games Can Be Very Addictive!

ParkourLand Elite 2 Average Of 10 Hours Spent In-Game
CocoRally Next Average Of 7 Hours Spent In-Game
CocoRally Drive Average Of 6 Hours Spent In-Game
DroneLand Elite Average Of 5 Hours Spent In-Game
ParkourLand Elite Average Of 4 Hours Spent In-Game
CocoRally Next v2 beta Average Of 3 Hours Spent In-Game


Here Are Some Services That Are Powered By The Power Of Cocoanix Connect!


Plugin For PUN2 That Allows More Powerful And Secure Multiplayer In Games Like: CocoRally Ultimate.


Powerful Code Editor For Unity, Written In NET. C#.


A Plugin For Unity That Get Internet Info Such As Updates, Network Status And IP Address.


Allows You To Update The Game Without Deploying Update To Microsoft Store.


Video And Audio Manager For Unity, That Allows Fast Loading Times And Low RAM Usage. Used In ParkourLand Elite 2.


Insanely Powerful Web Browser To Your Unity Games. Based On Chromium.